For the last 3 years to manage my ‘smart home’ (a couple of lights, heating, some sensors) I have been using Home Assistant running on Dell Wyse Z90D71. And to be honest - it is a great piece of code which works without issues since then.
Continue reading →Recently one of my customers let me know that they have probably a bug in their app. They want me to look into it - so I jump into “Sherlock, the bug hunter” mode and start snooping!
Continue reading →Whether we want it or not adoption of Kubernetes is growing. It can be set up as a managed solution (all major cloud providers provide such products) or we can set it up by yourselves.
Continue reading →One of the missing elements while using MongoDB is lack of the auto-increment fields, commonly called sequences (e.g. in PostgreSQL). For MongoDB Atlas (managed MongoDB solution) there is a posibility to mimic this feature using database triggers (as mentioned on MongoDB page).
Continue reading →Almost everybody who works on web apps knows what JWT (JSON Web Token) is. They become pretty popular and are now widely used.
Without going into details (which can be read e.
Continue reading →Last week we found out that in some cases our application is showing redundant data on error - for example stacktrace. It happens when there was an error which was handled by the application container which was Jetty.
Continue reading →One of my colleagues needs to expose the local running app to an external service. There were simple constraints - the domain name under which service was exposed cannot change (because it needs to be whitelisted) and need to be a subdomain of the company domain.
Continue reading →Recently I spent some time making improvements around deploying an application. Some of them are bash scripts automating some boring actions. All of them has one common part - should not be run if there are any changes (staged or not) in the local Git repository (working tree).
Continue reading →While working on webapp API in Java I need to send the app version and the build date to the frontend. But how to make this?
As my API build is based on maven I thought about getting version from pom.
Continue reading →Yep, that’s another story of “always check if serialising and de-serialising works as expected”. And some kind of reminder for future-me if I forgot about this! ;-)
Session of logged users seems to be a pretty easy topic, yep?
Continue reading →All articles are under CC BY-NC 4.0 license.
Copyright © Kamil Banach ;-)
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